Problems are analyzed, Solutions are penalized.
“For once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes”.
But our minds are trained to jump to a solution quickly, without a proper understanding of the problem.
A problem is anything not being done right; a wrong assumption, a wrong research, simply put anything you have difficulty with.
There are easy problems ;
And wicked problems such as;
whose answers are not simple. These are the problems we need to start exploring and finding new ways to solve them.
“A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.”
The base of this is to keep asking why.
To better understand a problem, you need to bring up the level of the question(s) asked. You need to ask a better why.
You ask a better why by detoxing yourself of all biases and through a thorough consideration of all the elements involved. This helps, so that one’s understanding of the problem doesn’t become warped and narrow.
A helicopter view will better do this; as it focuses on all stakeholders involved/affected by the situation, and wielding some sought of influence on the stated problem and possibly its outcome. it’s like looking at all the trees in the context of the whole forest, and not just seeing each tree individually.
This complete study helps us better understand the problem, so as to create sustainable solutions.
And whatever solution(s) we create, must be human-centred. We must not ignore the human element, as this solution will be used by humans or be affected by it.